Making a Difference.
Tioga County, PA is blessed with numerous non-profits dedicated to enhancing residents' lives and the community. They care for youth and four-legged friends, provide accessible healthcare, preserve the environment, and promote community development. These organizations make a real impact, ensuring the county's ongoing success. Their commitment is vital as we continue to work to enhance our communities for the future.
how many non-profits are in tioga county?
500 plus registered non-profits,
working to make a difference!
Looking for a Non-Profit?
Check out the non-profit section of the
Discover Tioga mobile app.
The Tioga County Partnership for Community Health works to maintain a listing of non-profits on their website and partners with Develop Tioga to make the Discover Tioga app possible.
Interested in learning more about Tioga County non-profits, how to get involved, or resources for non-profits?